Striking The Withdrawal Benefit Off The Social Security Statutes And Its Remedies In Social Security Industry Of Tanzania

Publication Information

Journal Title: Commonwealth Law Review Journal
Author(s): Jackson Masoud Issah
Published On: 10/05/2022
Volume: 8
First Page: 174
Last Page: 196
ISSN: 2581-3382
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher


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Jackson Masoud Issah, Striking The Withdrawal Benefit Off The Social Security Statutes And Its Remedies In Social Security Industry Of Tanzania, Volume 8, Commonwealth Law Review Journal, 174-196, Published on 10/05/2022, Available at


The withdrawal benefit is one of the social security benefits that were payable in the Tanzanian social security scheme before the 2018 amendment. The recent amendment in social security law of the country. It is the benefit peculiar to other common benefits in the world of social security which stood the legal statutes of the country for a quite long period of time in the state history. Despite its black knowledge in international law perspectives, in practical aspect, this benefit served a lot to the employees especially those employed on non-pensionable employment schemes, before its recent removal from the social security laws of Tanzania.

This is because, payments of small salaries; un-secured employment tenure and limited chance of securing a new job after a loss of one’s employment; are some of the serious challenges relating to private sector employment to which most of the employees belong in Tanzania. The withdrawal benefit in that special purpose, therefore, remedied the employment uncertainty and contingency in Tanzania before its burn. Despite the reflective value of the withdrawal benefit in the social security legal context of Tanzania, the same benefit has been removed from the laws of the state via the recently enacted law, which is the Public Service Social Security Fund Act, 2018.

The academic call that is behind this paper, therefore, is an examination of the social security purpose and functions saved by the withdrawal benefit; its justification in the social security industry and its replacement that has been brought by its complementary legislative initiatives in the Tanzanian social security industry.

Keywords: Social Security, The Employment Withdrawal Benefit, Social Security Purpose, Unemployment Benefit

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