Land Administration in Nigeria and the Geographic Information System: An Overview of the Kaduna Geographic Information Service Law, 2015

Publication Information

Journal Title: Commonwealth Law Review Journal
Author(s): Abigail Benjamin Kahuwai
Published On: 18/10/2023
Volume: 9
First Page: 543
Last Page: 551
ISSN: 2581-3382
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]

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Abigail Benjamin Kahuwai, Land Administration in Nigeria and the Geographic Information System: An Overview of the Kaduna Geographic Information Service Law, 2015, Volume 9, Commonwealth Law Review Journal, 543-551, Published on 18/10/2023, Available at


The Kaduna Geographic Information Service (KADGIS) Law, 2015 enacted on 23rd December, 2015 replaced the Ministry of Lands, Surveys and Country Planning with the Kaduna Geographic Information Service (KADGIS). The KADGIS saddled with the administration of land in Kaduna State so performs such functions as the issuance of certificates of occupancy, registration of land transactions and such other duties that were hitherto performed by the Ministry. This article acknowledges that although the enactment of the law helps in safeguarding the integrity of land transactions in the State, a lot still need to be done. Some recommendations were therefore made.

Keywords: KADGIS, Land Use, Land Administration, Kaduna State, Land Use Act, Geographic Information System, Nigeria

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