Discovering the Question of Benefits in Natural Resources Investment Arrangements: The Case of Mining Sectors of Tanzania

Publication Information

Journal Title: Commonwealth Law Review Journal
Author(s): Dr. Telesphory D.B Magogo
Published On: 21/02/2022
Volume: 8
First Page: 20
Last Page: 43
ISSN: 2581-3382
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Dr. Telesphory D.B Magogo, Discovering the Question of Benefits in Natural Resources Investment Arrangements: The Case of Mining Sectors of Tanzania, Volume 8, Commonwealth Law Review Journal, 20-43, Published on 21/02/2022, Available at


The paper enlightens on the philosophical advance to the concept of benefits in the conduct of investments in the extractive sector. Through qualitative approach of the nature of doctrinal research, the author uncovers  the aspects which are necessary in forming the opinion on the decisive legal basis for the determination as to whether a particular extractive investment project suitably depict the issue of benefits expected by both, investors and the host state as well as the citizens. The paper reflects on the Tanzania mining legal framework, which gives rights and obligations to parties in their investment endeavors.

The paper concludes with the view that it is imperative to have arrangements which balance the best interests of the country and its citizens, the people who are the owners of natural resources and the investing company to ensure equitable exploitation of natural resources.

The idea in this paper revolves around the content as found in the author’s PhD Thesis at the School of Law, St. Augustine University of Tanzania.

Keywords: Natural Resources, Mining Sectors of Tanzania, Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Research and development (R&D), Non-renewable resources

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