This paper examines mitigating techniques that can be adopted in other to promote wetlands conservation in Cameroon while assessing the role of the Environmental Management Code in achieving this goal. It discuss the different kinds of mitigating techniques such as avoidance, mitigating banks, in-lieu fee mitigation and permittee responsible mitigation. The paper argues that mitigation of wetland ecosystems can lead to a number of impacts. It concludes that compensation and precautionary measures should be taken into consideration while dealing with wetlands mitigation, increased follow-up should be conducted early in the implementation phase of the mitigation project and standardized design and monitoring requirements should be developed and increased technical support and training should be provided to those responsible for carrying out the mitigation project, taking into consideration corruption control measures since huge amount of money are involve and encouraged local community participation in the mitigation project.
Adapting Mitigating Techniques to Promote Wetland Conservation in Cameroon: An Appraisal of the Environmental Management Law
Publication Information
Journal Title: Commonwealth Law Review Journal
Author(s): Tanjong Napoleon Tabe
Published On: 18/04/2022
Volume: 8
First Page: 105
Last Page: 115
ISSN: 2581-3382
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]
Cite this Article
Tanjong Napoleon Tabe, Adapting Mitigating Techniques to Promote Wetland Conservation in Cameroon: An Appraisal of the Environmental Management Law, Volume 8, Commonwealth Law Review Journal, 105-115, Published on 18/04/2022, Available at
Keywords: Adapting, Mitigation, wetlands, Conservation, Appraisal
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